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Thursday, July 26, 2007

What is News?

After spitting my morning coffee all over the front page of today's Times Colonist, I decided that my vacation was officially over. I could be silent no longer. It was time to get back on the blogging horse.

What is news? Wikipedia defines news as "...any new information or information on current events which is relayed by print, broadcast, Internet, or word of mouth to a third party or mass audience." Is the absurd asking sales price of a piece of personal property news? Is it worthy of the full front page of a newspaper with a circulation of 73000? Perhaps, if items for sale with stupid asking prices are indeed newsworthy, I should inform the Times Colonist that I have a broken wristwatch, which originally I purchased for $140, now for sale for $9700!? Now, that is newsworthy! NOT! Neither is the sale of the Oak Bay mansion on today's front page newsworthy. A beautiful home. Definitely. Worthy of the front page of the Homes section in Saturday's paper. Sure. But, please! Give it up!

HHV's blog on today's issue is priceless. Thanks HHV.

I am getting very tired of the coverage of the real estate market by the MSM in Canada. Is anyone else?